• Seldom things in life do turn out better than you hoped for. Our application development, website maintenance and hosting with JoomDev did. The driving force behind the firm is its unique way of balancing quality services with realistic budgets. The passion and enthusiasm shown by Chetan and his team from the very first moment we met them, we knew that our search was over.
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WordPress To Zoho API Integration [Tutorial]

In this tutorial, we will show you a simple WordPress/PHP to Zoho CRM Integration.

We will be submitting a form where the details will be sent over to your Zoho CRM Control Panel using the Zoho CRM API.

Steps 1

The first step in the process is to generate Authtokens in order to connect to the ZOHO CRM API.

The AuthToken can be generated by visiting the URL below and replacing your email & password with one of your choices.

URL: https://accounts.zoho.com/apiauthtoken/nb/create?SCOPE=ZohoCRM/crmapi&EMAIL_ID=YOURMEIALHERE&PASSWORD=YOURPASSWORDHERE

Wordpress To Zoho API Integration [Tutorial]

And you run the above successfully in your address bar, you will have a response similar to the one below.

Wordpress To Zoho API Integration [Tutorial]


Parameter NameDescription
EMAIL_IDSpecify your Email address
SCOPEZoho CRM/CRM API  or ZohoCreator/Creator API
PASSWORDSpecify your Zoho creator password


Access and manage all the active secret auth tokens of your account by selecting Settings -> Active Authtokens in https://accounts.zoho.com


In this step, to Add Record in Zoho If you adding lead in Zoho.

Use this URL and pass XML data in URL and after run to insert that data add and show in Zoho lead.



Parameter NameUsageDescription
authtokenRequiredValid API authtoken
scopeRequiredSpecify the value as CRM API
<application name>RequiredName of application that contains the form.
<form name>RequiredName of form that contain a field name.
<field name>RequiredLink to the field value.

SampleXML Data:

<row no="1">
<FL val="First Name">First Name</FL>
<FL val="Last Name">Last Name</FL>
<FL val="Email">[email protected]</FL>
<FL val="Department">php</FL>
<FL val="Phone">999999999</FL>
<FL val="Fax">99999999</FL>
<FL val="Mobile">99989989</FL>
<FL val="Assistant">none</FL>


Field NameAPI FormatData typeMaximum Limit
Lead ownerLead ownerLookup
SalutationSalutationPick list
First NameFirst NameText boxAlphanumeric(40)
TitleTitleText boxAlphanumeric(100)
Last Name*Last NameText boxAlphanumeric(80)
Company*CompanyText boxAlphanumeric(100)
CountryCountryText boxAlphanumeric(30
Zip CodeZip CodeNumericAlphanumeric(30)
StreetStreetText boxAlphanumeric(250)
CityCityText boxAlphanumeric(30)
StateStateText boxAlphanumeric(30)
DescriptionDescriptionText area (long text)32000 characters
Lead SourceLead SourcePick list
IndustryIndustryPick list
Annual RevenueAnnual RevenueCurrencyDecimal (16)
PhonePhoneText boxAlphanumeric(30)
MobileMobileText boxAlphanumeric(30)
FaxFaxText boxAlphanumeric(30)
EmailEmailEmailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Secondary EmailSecondary EmailEmailAlphanumeric and Special characters(100)
Skype IDSkype IDText boxAlphanumeric(50)
Lead StatusLead StatusPick list
RatingRatingPick list
No. of EmployeesNo. of EmployeesNumericInteger (16)
Email Opt-outEmail Opt-outCheck box 
The bio for Naveen is coming soon.
I’ve had the great pleasure of hiring JoomDev for several projects over 8 years. The team brought our ideas to life and created the customized application that we only imagined in our minds. We appreciate JoomDev “can do” attitude and co-operation to complete any task until being fully satisfied. Hire JoomDev, you’d be crazy not to!
Alex Shvarts

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